- Youtube install mongodb on windows how to#
- Youtube install mongodb on windows password#
- Youtube install mongodb on windows windows#
When a replicate set has been configured, the ip-address and port of each server must be setup in the Compuware Web Products application.properties file. These scripts can be used to setup and configure the replicate set. The setup of a MongoDB replicate set is extensively documented in the official MongoDB manual,, and the steps required are also specified in the install_mongo_rhel.sh scripts.
Restart the Topaz for Total Test Repository Server application.Ī MongoDB replicate set with minimum three data nodes distributed across three data centers is recommended for production usage to gain bestability and failover possibility.Install the MongoDB server certificate into the Topaz for Total Test Repository Server JVM truststore or the xatester.keystore file referenced in the application.properties file.In the application.properties set the property mongodb.ssl=true. The Topaz for Total Test Repository Server also needs to be configured to use SSL for communicating with MongoDB.If it is not possible to connect, then look into the MongoDB log file located at /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log Try connecting from outside with mongo -ssl -host -port 27017 -u "xatester" -p "xa4mongo" -authenticationDatabase "xatester-repository" -sslAllowInvalidCertificates Restart mongod sudo service mongod restart The PEM file can be created with this command: cat mongodb-cert.key mongodb-cert.crt > mongodb.pemĬopy the mongodb.pem file to /etc/ssel/certs and edit the nf file to require SSL and point to this file: net: MongoDB requires a PEM file that is a concatenation of the certificate and private key. For non-production usage a self-signed certificate can be generated with the command openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out mongodb-cert.crt -keyout mongodb-cert.key It is documented how-to in this tutorial: To setup SSLīefore setting up SSL for a MongoDB server, a valid certificate and a private key is needed. The MongoDB server can be setup to use SSL. Start the Topaz for Total Test Repository Server after making changes to the application.properties file and check the server log (write path to the log directory for Topaz for Total Test) that a connection has successfully been established to MongoDB.
Youtube install mongodb on windows password#
The password can be encrypted by using the encrypter.sh utility program described in Appendix D, or when installing CES and choosing authorization for MongoDB. In the application.properties file, you have to set the properties: ername and mongodb.password and set the cured=true. The Topaz for Total Test Repository Server must also be Set up to use authentication to MongoDB. It is now possible to connect with authentication to the xatester-repository database by using the user ID xatester and password xa4mongo Start a Mongo shell with the command from a terminal: mongoĬreate an administrator in the admin database.Here we describe the same process step by step with Compuware Web Products settings and without too much explanation.
Setup of authentication is described in this MongoDB tutorial: # network interfacesīindIp: Setup authenticationįor production usage, MongoDB should be setup with authentication so only authorized users are allowed to access the database. If the bindIP property is not defined, the mongod daemon will listen on all network interfaces at the server. This file specifies if the authentication is required, if SSL is used, what (local) IP address it is listening at, and if it is part of a replicate set. It uses a nf configuration file located in the /etc folder on MongoDB.
This is only necessary when MongoDB is not installed on the same server as Compuware Web Products and mongod.cfg located in C:\Program Files\MongoDB\server\4.0\bin.
Youtube install mongodb on windows windows#
Guides on installing on other Linux and Windows distributions can also be found here.) Configuration for external accessĪfter installing MongoDB, open the nf file (in Windows it is called mongod.cfg) and modify the net.bindIp property to also contain the ip-address/domain name of the server used by Compuware Web Products to access it, or remove it.
Youtube install mongodb on windows how to#
Most information has been taken from the MongoDB website that provides excellent descriptions of the installation and configuration of MongoDB, (see for how to install on RHEL. This section describes how to install MongoDB on Linux and set it up for authentication, SSL communication and replication.